Sunday, January 25, 2009


Ok. So I figured I'd give this blog thing a shot. First, a little bit about me. I am currently a student at The Mississippi State University. I figure some loyal MSU fans out there may want to read a State student's take on Bulldog athletics. I have some inside access to MSU sports. I will never reveal my sources but I will say that you can trust my stuff. If you choose not to believe it then oh well, good for you. If you realize that I know what it is that I am talking about then good for you, too. Here's the deal, I'm semi-obsessed with sports, particularly MSU sports. While this blog will mainly be about State, I will sometimes post my opinions on other happenings in the sports world and possibly other current events going on around real world. I may update this multiple times daily, maybe once every few days, and it's possible I could get lazy and fail to update it for a week or so. If you don't like what I post or have a different opinion on something then feel free to email me and I'll attempt to discuss it with you in a civil manner. Also, I am a college student. I may at times use some offensive language and possibly be negative about a team or coach. Before anyone gets pissy, let me clarify this. I pay my own way to MSU with various scholarships and such. I have been a Bulldog since birth. I have suffered through the agonizing defeats of the UABs, Maines, and La Techs of the world. I have also been overjoyed with the thrill of going to Omaha, Atlanta, and the Medowlands. I was brought up throught the glory days of MSU sports. I am a 90s kid. We have been to 4 CWS's, 7 bowls, and twice appeared in the Sweet 16 in my lifetime. Therefore, I was a spoiled fan growing up. I absolutely hate losing and will express that throughout my time on here. I can't stand seeing our teams underachieve year in and out. If you have a problem with my negativity, tough shit. I don't care. I want what is best for MSU and will NOT settle for mediocrity. As of right now, though, I am tired. I had a wild night partying in the great city of Starkville and I want to go to sleep. So now you have my introduction and Good Night.

Upcoming: Over the next few days I will post my feelings on the current state of MSU athletics and my opinions on certain hot topics in sports.

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